
Ramot Efal-GINDI
STATUS // In construction
LOCATION // Ramat Efal, Israel
CLIENT // Gindi
2021 YEAR //
sqm 61,478  SURFACE //
PROGRAMMERS // Mixed use –restaurants, retail, residential and office  buildings

Ramot Efal-GINDI
Ramot Efal-GINDI The complex includes six residential towers and four office and commercial buildings on the ground floor facing Rafael Eitan Street. The development is part of a new neighborhood in southern Tel Hashomer and serves as an active main frontage, incorporating a light rail station, retail and employment spaces, green corners, and entrances to the residential towers. The design addresses breaking down the facade to human-scale dimensions and creating a graduated intensity through the planning of internal courtyards and semi-public spaces. The 360-degree facades balance the massing between Rafael Eitan Street and the secondary streets while maintaining a visual and design connection between the buildings at the base levels, ensuring uniform height and a clean facade to generate continuity and cohesion. The project involved analyzing and understanding the concept of dynamism and intensity in a main street, which accommodates both vehicular and pedestrian traffic, compared to the movement in secondary streets, where the focus is on staying in the area rather than quick transit along the main street. The facade facing Rafael Eitan Street is dynamic, designed to generate visual movement that aligns with pedestrian and vehicular traffic along the street. The office buildings' facades were designed using curtain walls with varying angles of aluminum profiles to enhance this effect. On the secondary streets, plazas and gathering spaces were incorporated at a human scale, creating meeting points for residents. These mixed-use areas serve as places of interaction between different residents—residential, commercial, and office users.